Tag: octoprint
Setting up Klipper – Let’s play
Like OctoPrint, klipper will run in it’s own dedicated virtual environment. We will setup a user for it to run as (klipper) and grant that the limited rights that it needs to run. Setup user account Option 1) Using the automated scripts… Setup Klipper by the automated scripts and install with Python2 Allow sudo access…
Powerups for OctoPrint
There are some additional steps you can take to enable the limited OctoPrint user to do more, as well as some choice plugins that will make your OctoPrint experience better. Here I will take you through some of those steps. I’m assuming you have followed my earlier blog post about how to Setup Octoprint from…
Setting up OctoPrint on a Raspberry Pi from Scratch
Step 0 – Pi Preparation Create an SD Card (using a “lite” image) Enable Wifi & SSH for headless access Change Pi passwd Step 1 – Configure Pi Disable Auto-Login Set Pi Hostname Reboot Step 2 – Change Pi Username (optional) Change Pi username Login with new User Step 3 – Install OctoPrint Step 0…